The PSAT was so stressful as I have mentioned before I am not a good test taker and the format of the PSAT scares me. The questions start off the same and depending on if you get them correct they either get easier or harder. There are two sections math and reading, the reading is first and the math follows after that. I was doing fine during the reading section I got a little bored and sometimes just picked random answers because I didn’t want to read anymore. The math section was so hard and my questions started getting so easy I knew I was cooked. I recently got my score back and keep in mind the test is graded out of 1600 and I got a 1000 so goodnight. Each of the sections are graded out of 760 on my English I got a 540 which is ok. On math just like I predicted I got cooked and got a 460. Genuinely terrified to take the Sat and I hope I go to a test-optional school because my scores are so bad it’s not even funny.

PC:”Student School” by Tamarcus Brown/ CC0 1.0


I was recently able to obtain my driver’s license, which will allow me to go driving with my family and friends when I return to my home country. I was also thinking about what I want to accomplish until I reach the age of 20, which is a major milestone for my home country. 20 is the age in Japan where people can drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and buy and give away tickets for bicycle, horse, boat, and auto races, to name a few. In my home country, the age of adulthood has been lowered from 20 to 18 since April 1, 2022. 18 is the age when you can do many things and take the first step toward adulthood. To be honest, nothing much has changed since I turned 18, but it is scary to know that I am already seen as an adult in the eyes of the world. Back on topic, what I want to do before I turn 20 is to go driving alone, take a trip to Korea, and score under 100 in golf. I’m not sure if there is any particular change I would like to make, but I will try to make the most of my last teenage years so that I don’t have any regrets.



The end is nearing to junior year and I could not be more stressed. I’m honestly staying afloat because thinking about summer makes me want to keep pushing through. I’m going to be a senior which is wild. This school year has been so eventful. I’m really hoping that next year will be much easier because I don’t know if I can handle another year of stress lol. I’m trying to not have as many things on my plate, for example: I am not doing student council next year, I’ve chose easier classes, and I’m praying that my new math teacher can actually help me despite my slow brain. Although its been tough during some parts of high school, I am so happy that this past year has taught me so many personal lessons. I love my friends and I couldn’t get through it without them. Just one more AP exam to go though! 🙏


I can’t do anymore school work

All school year, doing my school work has been a difficult task for me to complete, but I always got my work in on time. Over the past month of school, I have become so delusional and I tell myself that I will do my homework all night, but once I’m tired, I tell myself that peace and self-care matter much more than doing my work. I still end up going to bed late every night because I tell myself that I will just do my homework later in the night. All of these assignments are catching up to me as the school year ends and I’m honestly just ready to end the school year now. Some of my teachers haven’t put my assignments into the gradebook so I don’t even know how much work I’m missing and it’s terrifying. I want to end the school year with good years but I am having so much trouble with getting myself to care about school. All I want is for it to be summer so I can sleep all day and not have to worry about my schoolwork constantly.

School Books” by Krzysztof%20Puszczy%u0144ski/ CC0 1.0


I went on a camping trip and the whole experience was very upsetting. It was my first backpacking trip and my trip was supposed to be from Wednesday to Friday. We left Wednesday morning and made it to the beginning of the trail. I assumed the hike to the campsite would take about an hour and a half. Twenty minutes into the walk, my shoes were completely wet because we had to walk through four rivers with our heavy backpacks. Then, I face-planted two times in two minutes, so I was already injured and filthy. It was boiling and I was losing circulation in my arms because of my bag’s weight. There were so many bugs and I got so many bites. After about five hours, we finally made it to our campsite. It was still so hot and I was exhausted. The next day, we had a little breakfast and then went on a quick walk to a river. We stayed there basically all day and once we came back to our campsite we noticed that there was a forest fire smell. Twenty minutes later, the teachers on our camping trip told us that we had to leave because there was a fire. Quickly, all of us had to pack up our stuff and we left the campsite by 5:30. We were terrified that we weren’t going to leave the trail until 10:30 because it took us five hours to the day before. We walked fast and made it by 7:30. Once I got back to my dorm room, I was exhausted and so drained. My body had bruises, mosquito bites, and cuts. This camping trip was an extremely draining experience and I’m so glad that it’s over.

Tent Camping” by Ben Duchac/ CC0 1.0

to be human

A question is as old as time

What does it mean to be Human?

How can a question look so simple but be so difficult to answer? To be human, of course, is to be a part of a certain species, the homo sapiens, and to be a part of the genus homo, then the family Hominidae and so on and so on. But this doesn’t quite answer the question people have been looking for, and frankly, I won’t be able to give you an answer in this blog, but I will give you my best guess.

But still, we are left with the question of what it means to be human. Is it because we, as a human race, have consciousness and can develop thoughts that not only allow us to think about what’s happening now but project our thoughts into both the future and the past? Is it the ability to think of things that haven’t even happened or will ever happen? Is that it? Is it the creative minds of us humans that make us who we are? If that’s the case, then what about A.I., which has an equal ability to make up new scenarios and imagine things that don’t exist? Well, I guess we have the living part going for us, but still, it doesn’t quite work cause what happens when a gorilla gains the ability to think(Ishmael reference)? Then, we have lost the thing that makes us who we are.

One theory I liked was that as humans evolved, we lost some functions that other animals have in order to gain language. (This was seen in many tests with chimps, who have very fast reflexes and high-functioning short-term memory compared to us slow humans.) However, in return for giving up some of the basic survival functions, we gain the ability to speak and have language.

So why did we develop language? It was to share.

We developed language to share information. We shared information on the best places to get food, hunting tactics to use, the least dangerous place to stay for the night, and more. We share in order to survive, and that is what makes us human. While this is a nice way of thinking about it, once I thought for a little while more, I remembered that Homo sapiens aren’t the only species that share and work together to survive. If this was the requirement for being human, things like ants would be right there alongside us.

So, after watching a few YouTube videos on the idea, one stuck out to me that I liked the most. This idea was

“the thing that makes us human is the acknowledgment of being human”

this is not a direct quote, but I still have the idea, so I’m putting it in quotes. Essentially, the only thing that makes us human is acknowledging others’ humanity and your own. I believe that this is the truest answer I have come across, or at least the one I agree with most. If you recognize yourself as a human, that is what makes you human. However, throughout history and today, people are seen as lesser. whether it be in slavery throughout the history of the world or it is if your friend got a lower score than you did on a test, we all view others as lower. We all view ourselves as human; no matter how you put it, we are all people.


Eyes closed blog

I’m typing this blog with my eyes closed the entire time. grammerly is also helping me but i don;t think that this will be perfect regurdless. i was curious to see what type of thoughts went throgh my brain while mt eyes were closed compare to when i see all the distractions both visually and audibly. while

I decided to take a second and listne and feel mt surroundings around me. I gear a cricket in the background and the celling creaking. However the thigns i have noticed most is mt other senses that are often masked by sight and sounf. I am noticing my breath more and the way my closes feel while wearing them. I am feelingmy hair fall on my face and the way my bacj feels against the couch. I also feel the weight of my eye lids wishing that they could fall asleep.

I hear my sister coming back from upper campus as she slams the car door shit like its not 11 oclock at night.

However I think the most intresting this about his blog is me attempting to learn where each key on the key board is bt feel alone rather than realining on both sight and muscle memory to type i am using the little dots on the F and J key to understand where my hands are on the board and where each letter is.

This blog is merely a idea i thought of with no real meaning or reson behinf it bedes to take away one of and my biggest sense in the human body being y sighy. It makes me wonder what being blind woulf feel like or what its like to have another one of my senses taken away from me.

I hope you have enjoured this blog as much as i have and i hope it can serve as a reminder to disconnnect yourself from things somtimes to appritce the others that might not stand out as much.

(I will not be fixing the grammar or spelling as it is part of the blog idea and its cool to see the trend/ habits i have when typing)



Usually, I try to write about something worthwhile, about my thoughts, feelings, or events that happened to me, and which would be interesting to share. But today is not that day, today, I want to talk about all sorts of nonsense that has been on my mind lately.

46 days. After precise calculations, I realized that I have exactly 46 days left to go to school. It seems like this number should be much larger, but definitely not in my case. I am the most vivid case of senioritis you can find on planet Earth. Immediately after receiving the acceptance letter from the university I wanted, unexpectedly even to myself, I just stopped worrying about what happens at school. I am absolutely calm about not doing homework, and it doesn’t bother me much. I won’t lie, I never really liked the process of studying in an American school, and the only reason why I truly strived and learned subjects was my admission to the university; now that the goal is achieved, the motivation is completely gone. In my case, trying to find opportunities to reduce my days spent in school buildings, I discovered that some camps take away as much as 5 days! I signed up for many, which significantly reduced my time spent at school this semester. I am glad that I have very little time left until the end of school. I won’t lie, I will be the happiest person on graduation day, during the ceremony I will definitely be crying, but not out of sadness but from overwhelming happiness.

The second thing I wanted to talk about is my sleep. Lately, I’ve been having terrible problems with sleep. I wake up every hour at night, and if I’m unlucky enough to start thinking about something that bothers me, then I can’t sleep for a couple of hours simply because I can’t stop thinking. It bothers me, but I can’t do anything about it.


My Recent Duolingo Escapades

As of recent, I have been on my grind. It is not nearly as much as other people, I am aware of, but I have now obtained a 30-day streak on Duolingo learning German. I started this journey in an attempt to be able to communicate with my German friend, as I basically could not talk to her at all due to the language barrier. No I’m kidding, she actually has a slightly better grade in AP English class than I do. I still want to be able to try to talk to her in German, however, just because I think it would be pretty funny and she would probably laugh at me for my pronunciation and grammar. Honestly, after doing a minimum of a lesson a day for an entire 30 days, I should probably know more than I do. I basically can just order in a coffee shop and know very basic phrases and familial vocabulary. I also know random animals like mice and owls, which I’m not sure are a super relevant topic of everyday conversation if I were to be plopped in the middle of the street in Germany right now. The ultimate goal is not fluency, which I’m not sure is even possible through Duolingo alone, but I am hoping I can get somewhat proficient after some time.

I Reimagined The Cast Of The Language Learning App Duolingo As If They Were  A Part Of The Pixar Universe (11 Pics) | Bored Panda


Toon blast

Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green blocks are all you need.

The rules are simple. Match two or more of the same color to complete the given task. Some call it an off-brand candy crush, and some call it the world’s greatest game. It is simple, but the simplicity of the game makes it fun.

About 4 years ago, my 8th-grade self made a decision that affected my life more than I could ever imagine.

As many in my generation go through, I bought many mobile games in my day, going from one form of short entertainment to another whenever I got bored. While this was an extremely unhealthy childhood, that’s not what this blog is about.

As another day passed, I got another ad on one of my many mobile games. Just as normal, I await for the x to appear in the top corner of the ad when I end up clicking on the ad on accident, causing the app store to open; the game that appeared was Toon Blast.

At first glance, I thought it was nothing more than an off-brand Candy Crunch, yet I decided to give it a try. So off I went, playing a new game like many times before. However, as I played more and more, I found myself spending much of my time on the game.

Eventually, time went on as I cleared level after level, reaching far into the 2, 3, 4, and even 5 thousand levels.

As I look at those thousands of levels cleared, the only thought I tend to have is if I have wasted part of my life on something inconsequential.

Probably so.
